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A Drupal Odyssey

Sharon Clapp's picture
Submitted by Sharon Clapp on Sat, 08/09/2014 - 23:47

In this session, you’ll learn why “webmaster” librarian Sharon Clapp (CCSU's Elihu Burritt Library) took an epic Drupal journey, what challenges she faced along the way, and why she’s more grateful than ever for the technology and the community that makes Drupal possible. You’ll learn when, why, and how to take advantage of Drupal as a platform for your organization’s web presence. She’ll offer you the tips that you need to avoid the pitfalls that can be part of a Drupal n00bs’ experience. Find out how you can help businesses, organizations, and yourself make (or save) money and, more importantly, how to add value to the world via this uniquely flexible open source website content management system.

Site Building
2:40 - 3:30 PM
Room number: 

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